Antara Ray’s Simple Cookies: Know Your Blogger

Looking for a simple recipe for some oatmeal cookies… look no further – presenting Antara Ray’s (of Antypasti) recipe for Milkmaid Cookies. I have recreated one of her three very simple cookie recipes for the ‘Know Your Blogger’ event being hosted by Kolkata Food Bloggers.. You will find the original recipe and the other two here. I met Antara through Kolkata Food Bloggers and she is also a member of Chef at Large Kolkata Table. Though I have met her just once, it was quite easy to understand that she is a very warm person with an awesome sense of humor.
I had to tweak the recipe a wee bit. The batter was a little runny, so to get the right consistency I had to add a bit more oatmeal and I just had to add cinnamon – a matter of habit!

Oatmeal Cookies


  • Milkmaid – 1/2 cup
  • Quick Cooking Oats – 1 cup + 3tbs
  • Egg –  1(at room temperature)
  • Baking powder –  1/8th tsp
  • Cinnamon Powder – 1/2 tsp
  • Chopped Cashews – 6 chopped and a few extra for garnishing (Original recipe used walnuts)
  • Some chocolate shavings for garnishing.
  • Salt – 1/8th tsp

How to:

  • Preheat oven to 170C in convection mode
  • Grease an oven safe pan with butter (I used borosil)
  • Mix all the above ingredients in a bowl.
  • Scoop out the mix using a tablespoon measure onto the greased pan
  • Using the bottom of the spoon flatten out a bit.
  • Garnish with 1/4th of a cashew.
  • Bake for 14-15minutes till the cookies turn a little golden.
  • Add the chocolate shavings and these will melt a bit.
Oatmeal Cookies

Cool and serve with tea or coffee or milk. These are chewy with a hint of cinnamon. The chocolate shavings add a whole different dimension to it. 

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